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The Dublin Team

Claudia Orellana-Rodriguez
Claudia is the CSO at Libre AI and a Lead Research Engineer at University College Dublin (UCD). At Libre AI, Claudia uses AI and ML to develop tools that help users make the most of the data available on the web. At UCD, Claudia's current work focuses on developing a recommender system with personalization, privacy, and explainability at its core. Claudia's PhD thesis leveraged the power of machine learning, NLP, social network analysis, and opinion mining to unveil patterns of engagement, attention and influence on the digital news era. In 2016, she joined the MIT Media Lab for the summer and worked at the MIT Center for Civic Media where she conducted research with the MediaCloud team on identifying influential American news outlets.
Before joining UCD, Claudia completed her M.Sc. at the L3S Research Center in the Leibniz University in Hannover, Germany, where she worked on several European research projects involving crowdsourcing, multimedia and sentiment analysis for tasks such as video ranking and presidential popularity prediction. Claudia hold a B.Sc. degree from the University of El Salvador (UES).

Beth Jochim
I am co-Founder and Director at Cueva Gallery (www.cuevagallery.com). We work with private collectors and businesses interested in unique artwork made or inspired by Artificial Intelligence (AI). My interests are focused on the use of AI in visual art, digital Aesthetics, and how AI is influencing the Art market and the art practice. In a series of interviews (https://medium.com/cuevagallery) I explore the relationship that artists have with technology, contributing to the ongoing discussion about creativity and how art transforms our lives everyday.

Erika Duriakova
Erika is a PostDoctoral researcher in University College Dublin working on next generation recommender systems. Her current focus is on novel privacy-aware machine learning approaches. She holds a Bachelors degree in Computer Science and a Ph.D. degree for her work on efficient implementation of graph traversal and structure finding problems. Erika’s research experience includes collaboration with research groups from Nokia Bell Labs and University of California Santa Barbara.

Arjumand Younus
Research Fellow at CONSUS in UCD working on data-driven agriculture, and earlier was Research Fellow at Insight Centre for Data Analytics in UCD. I am particularly passionate about using data science to solve complex research questions, and serve society in the best manner possible. I am also a mommy to two beautiful princesses.