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Email: You can contact us using our email: buenosaires _at_ wimlds.org
The Buenos Aires Team

Emilia Gibellini
Emilia is a Data Scientist at Telecom, the main telecommunications provider in Argentina. As part of the company's STEM team, she analyzes Internet traffic trends, and generates insights that are used to deploy technologycal improvements on its network. She's currently working on her thesis to become a Statistician at Universidad Nacional de Rosario (UNR). The subject is neural networks for signal processing.

Marianela Sarabia
Mari is an economist and research scientist. Due to her curiosity and passion for learning, she reached KDD, data mining and modelling long time ago with SPAD, STATA and VenSim, by integrating databases and analysing socioeconomic data aimed at data-driven policy making in African and LAC countries. While working with Ind 4.0 tech impacts and searching for better dataviz tools during her PhD research, she bumped into Python and moved her work towards it! Now, she prefers writing code rather than papers and reports. Mari has been a mentor in Data Science programmes and she is willing to reduce STEM entry barriers that generate exclusion and constraints!