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The Poznań Team
Agnieszka Kamińska
Agnieszka is Data Scientist with former research experience in Cognitive Neuroscience. By creating Polish WiMLDS chapter Agnieszka wanted to encourage others, especially women and other underrepresented groups to actively contribute to ML/DS local community. She is a big fan of open science initiatives and interdisciplinary collaboration.
Zuzanna Kunik
Zuzanna is a Data Scientist and Data Engineer working for cybersecurity company. In her job she uses Data Science to find anomalies and potential threats in analyzed data. She also works on improving other projects with data-driven mindset, not only by providing models and reports, but also by implementing, maintaining and visualizing her solutions. Zuzanna also got MSc degree in Control Engineering and Robotics in specialization of Computer Vision Systems. By volunteering in Polish WiMLDS she wants to build community of cooperation, support and knowledge share.
Barbara Sobkowiak
Barbara is working in the Business Intelligence company where she is developing Data Science Team. In her daily work she tries to understand the needs of customers and inspire them to transform their companies to be data-driven ones. Barbara is also a specialist in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and spatial data does not hold any secrets from her.
Martyna Urbanek-Trzeciak
Martyna Urbanek-Trzeciak is a Data Strategist in Fandom and researcher in Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry. At Fandom, she works closely with Data Engineering, Data Science and Product teams to support data-driven decision making. She graduated from Adam Mickiewicz University (Computer Science) and Poznan University of Medical Sciences (Medical Biotechnology). She holds a PhD (biochemistry) from Polish Academy of Sciences. She is a dataholic always trying to learn new things from statistics through AI to productization of data or share her knowledge with others. She is also a big fan of open-source.